what is 4 M change , what is the procedure for 4M change

what is the mean of 4M change what is the procedure of 4 M change

S.No. Abnormal Situation  Action Taken Activities to be done 
Set-Up Approval Retroactive Inspection  Containment Action  Remarks
1 Machine producing defective parts continuously Stop production. Take corrective action and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  since last inspection
2 Repeated breakage of production equipment (m/c, Jig & fixture) Stop production. Take corrective action and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  since start of production
3 Operator produces defective parts continuously
 (Operator carelessness/mistake)
Stop production. Educate the operator and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  by the operator
4 Operator detects defects produced by previous process Stop production. Take corrective action in previous process, educate the operator of previous process and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  by the operator
5 Poka Yoke does not detect defective parts ( Poka Yoke not working) Stop production. Take corrective action and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  since last Poka Yoke check
6 Poke yoke by passed Stop production. Take corrective action and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  since last Poka Yoke check
7 Machine producing abnormal noise Stop production. Take corrective action in the machine and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  since last machine parameters check
8 Machine consuming excessive oil/collant etc. Stop production. Take corrective action in the machine and restart the production after set up approval  Yes Yes Yes Check all the parts produced  since last machine parameters check
9 Absenteeism more than Attrition rate   Yes No Yes Check all the parts produced  during the shift


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